Calculating your annual mortgage costs only?
Big mistake!
However your plan may be flawed. Nowadays you would be wise to consider projected energy costs alongside your annuity . What is the point of living in your dream home if you are under the constant threat of fuel poverty?
Moreover why not future proof yourself and your home against soaring energy costs by taking out a comfort mortgage.
A comfort mortgage means you have an initial investment incorporated into your mortgage to cover the cost of introducing energy efficient improvements into the fabric of the building. Improvements such as super insulating the shell, Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery,Solar Panels and renewable energy sources are all measures guaranteed to assure your future comfort.
It is recommended that you consider the annuity of your mortgage combined with prospective energy costs to decide if you really can afford the initial investment for energy efficiency or indeed if you can afford NOT to invest in it!
What is the true-cost-mortgage? Compare the examples by filling in your own figures